Friday, March 19, 2010

A new direction?

here is a image from my unknown would-be web comic I have been kicking around as of late. I have been working on the idea for about 4 months.
I love the visuals I have come up with for the TumbleWeed Tales Web comic I had done in the past but the story is a bit rough to get ironed out with the time frame I had chosen. Plus the fact I was using all watercolors it was getting a bit costly. I have placed that idea in my back pocket for now with the visuals and story ideas under lock and key for now.
This new approach is far less costly and I hope to print the comic after a group of pages are done. I can't share any details yet but I wanted to know what you think.
I have a C&C posted up on this link
and you are welcome to add your feedback.
Here is on of the images of the main characters.
Well, head to the link and let me know what you think.
Kevin. -&-

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